NB! In October 2018 DekmarTrade partnered up with TradeCaster and since then it streams only on www.tradecaster.com.
I am not the world’s biggest fan of half of the trading products that you find out there, particularly the ones that claim that they are the absolute key to success and how you will be able to enjoy untold riches if you follow the plan to the exact letter.
You can probably tell that from a few of the reviews that I have written before. At the start, DekmarTrades was no exception to this rule. I couldn’t, in good conscience, recommend another product which promises the world and fails to deliver.
However, as I started to dive into what DekmarTrades brought to the table, I realized that this was something a little bit different to the other products out there.
It was one which may actually be worth your hard-earned cash. You just need to use it properly.
About Sean Dekmar
This program is put together by Sean Dekmar (hence the name DekmarTrades).
He is in his early 20s, so you would be forgiven for thinking that he doesn’t have a wealth of experience in the world of trading.
Now, I am not going to lie to you here, he is not the world’s best when it comes to sharing his income reports.However, from what I have managed to dig up about him, he has been pretty successful in the vast majority of his ventures, and the ‘predictions’ and information that he is able to share with the world are pretty sound.
I do want to point out that, like most of the programs you find reviewed, Sean Dekmar is all about day trading those penny stocks.
This is probably one of the most volatile types of trade that you can make, and it is not for everybody.
As for me, I am not the world’s biggest fan of penny stocks and you are probably going to be picking up on that several times throughout this page.
However, I do see them as a great way to get started in the world of investing because the ‘buy in’ price is pretty low, and if you get in on the ground floor and sell quickly, there is a bit of money to be made.
I can’t really see it being the most long-term and the most viable trading strategy, but it is something that works.
My issue with trading penny stocks
I know that this is something which I have bleated about quite a lot in my reviews. However, just in case you have yet to read them, I want to talk about it a little bit more.
The problem with penny stocks is that they are incredibly volatile. Even a couple of people spending a bit of cash on penny stocks will cause the price to rise quite sharpish.
This is where the problem with DekmarTrades is. He is only going to be recommending that you pick up penny stocks.
Since there will be about 3,000 people receiving these recommendations, if you are not one of the first people to pick up the stocks, you are going to be spending a lot of cash on something which is not going to make you any money.
In fact, you are probably going to end up making a loss.
Generally speaking, when I look at stock picks, I tend not to ever go for the stock picks. I will have look at them, but I am never going act right away.
Instead, I will look at study why that particular stock pick was made. If I gain any new information, then I will note it down.
This means that I am going to be able to choose my own stocks in a more informed manner in the future, which means that I am going to be able to make cash.
By all means, if you want to buy into stock picks, even from somebody as great as Sean Dekmar, then do so. I can’t imagine that you will be making that much cash, though.
Are the picks worth it?
Obviously, as I said, I would never go for stock picks myself even if they were good.
However, after looking at Sean Dekmar’s picks over the last few months, I must say that he is somebody who has managed to be spot on most of the time.
Sure, there are going to be a few misses, and that is something which is expected from any trader, but a lot of the time he does get it right.
That being said, it is hard to say ‘he got it right’ when I have already told you that even the smallest number of people buying into a penny stock will send the price rising.
Because Sean Dekmar has so many people following him, the stock price is always bound to go up.
Video Library
NB! In October 2018 DekmarTrade partnered up with TradeCaster and since then all the video content has been moved to www.tradecaster.com
I think the main reason why people are going to be signing up for DekmarTrades, and certainly where I see the most value, comes from the video library.
There are hundreds of videos put together by Sean Dekmar while he runs you through the absolute basics of training.
While I haven’t gone through every single video on the site, I am confident in saying that there is little here for those who are more advanced with trading.
However, for those who are new to trading, the educational material shared here does cover a lot of different concepts and it is done in one of the easiest to digest manners.
The one concern I have about the videos is that while they are highly informative, they can feel a little bit dry at times.
While most programs like this are put together by awesome personalities who love talking to the camera, the videos on DekmarTrades are not like that.
I do not think Sean likes to appear on the videos all that much. This means that most of the time you are going to be staring at trading schemes.
Until you get more advanced when it comes to your trading, I can’t help but feel that this is going to be pretty bland for the vast majority of people out there.
That being said, I do think that the video library does lead to a decent product.
Even if you do not use the other features that DekmarTrades brings to the table, I do think that you are going to be using the video library a lot.
Chat Rooms
This is another area where I am not a huge fan. This is because products like DekmarTrades do seem to attract newbies.
This means that you really have a ton of newbies sitting in a chat room not really knowing what is going on, and sharing incorrect information.
This, inevitably, means that I will not be kicking around in the chat rooms online all that much. This is because I do not feel that they deliver that much bang for your buck.
Sure, building up connections in stock trading is important, but I can’t imagine a reason why you would want to build up connections with people that barely know anything and who may have ditched the whole idea of trading within a few short weeks.
I did pop into the DekmarTrades chat rooms on occasion, and while some good information was shared, and some experts did pop in on occasion, it wasn’t crazily popular.
There are better free chat rooms out there, not that I would ever rely on the information shared in a chat room in the first place.
Live Market Scanner Codes
This is something which I can’t see many people opting for. This is because it is incredibly expensive and does not come as part of your standard membership to DekmarTrades.
This will allow you to easily spot stocks which are gaining momentum after the markets have closed. It will also allow you to spot top gainers and losers.The thing is that a lot of this information can be sourced for free. Sure, if you are sourcing it for free, there is going to be a small delay on it.
However, with a price totaling hundreds of dollars, I seriously do not think that it is something that the vast majority of new traders are going to see any real need for.
You can rely on the information that you have available at your fingertips for free at the start, and later on when you are making thousands and thousands of dollars per month this is something that you can opt for.
Pricing for DekmarTrades
NB! In October 2018 DekmarTrade partnered up with TradeCaster and since then it streams only on www.tradecaster.com.
The change also brought along a price rise:Pricing is simple. There are no tiers or anything like that.
Each of the options will give you the same features, so it is really a case of you determining how much you want to pay up front, with small savings being available if you pay for longer periods of time.
- $59.99 per month
- $324 for six months
- $599 per year
It is not a whopping saving if you are going for the yearly subscription, but every single penny counts in this game, right?
You are still saving $120, and that is going to be some extra cash that you are going to be able to invest in your stocks over time.
Who is DekmarTrades for?
DekmarTrades is there for those people who are new to the world of trading.
I really do not think that it is a product which is going to be delivering a lot of value for money if you are more advanced when it comes to trading since the bulk of the benefit comes from all those videos.
Since there are a lot of videos that you can digest when you are a member of DekmarTrades, this is one of those rare cases where I am going to suggest that you jump right in and go for that yearly membership right off the bat.
This is going to be one of those cases where you realize that you are going to be wanting to pay every single month because there is so much that you can go through here.
As I said, you are probably not going to want to be looking at the stock recommendations all that much.
Well, you are, but you are more going to be looking at them so you know why these are stocks that you should be watching rather than stocks that you should be buying.
Even though I have quite a bit of experience under my belt when it comes to trading, I have always found something of quite a lot of value in going through stock picks on the various services that I have signed up to.
DekmarTrades is absolutely no exception to that rule.
Is it recommended to buy Sean DekmarTrades?
As I am sure you have been able to tell already, it is going to be worth spending your cash on DekmarTrades, if only for the educational services that it brings to the table.
I have reviewed a lot of similar products over the years, and I do have to say that DekmarTrades brings more to the table than any other service I have used.
Granted, there are not a whole lot of features that you are going to be using (e.g. the chat room), but since this is a product which is far, far cheaper than other products on the market, I am sure you are going to be fine.
By all accounts, Sean Dekmar is planning to increase the value of his service in the near future too.
However, I must stress that this is something which is just going through the rumor mill at the moment, but I am sure that he will create value.
For now, just look at what it is bring to the table already, and you will see that it is bringing a whopping amount and you are not even going to be parting with that much cash.