Trading Videos


The Best Free Trading Videos from Top Traders

The internet is filled with tens of thousands of worthless trading videos that will do absolutely nothing to help you advance your skill.

I know this as I’ve wondered through thousands of videos only to find out that 99% of them are a pure waste of the most valuable resource – time.

This page is made with a purpose to syndicate trading videos from the world wide web that will only provide tremendous value to you and help to improve your trading skill.

All these videos are free to watch, but still consist of numerous golden nuggets in terms of value of the information you are getting.

Please enjoy and leave a comment below if you found this page helpful and also if you didn’t – I’d love to know 🙂

  1. Steven Dux on making over 900 000$ from Trading

    Steven Dux started trading under Timothy Sykes in march 2016 and reached 1 million mark in May 2017.Links mentioned on the video:
    -Steven Dux’s profit chart and trades:
    -The Chat room that Steven Dux usesChat Room
    -The trading DVD he recommended: Tim Grittani DVD

  2. Tim Grittani on turning 1 500$ to 4 000 000$

    Links mentioned on the video:
    -Tim Grittani’s profit chart:
    -Tim’s Trading Education DVD: Tim Grittani DVD

  3. Paul Scolardi’s (millionaire trader) speach at a Trading conference

    Links mentioned on the video:
    -Paul’s personal trading chat room and education: Superman Trades Chat Room

  4. Multimillionaire Trader Gregg Sciabica’s Story on How He Became Successful

    Unfortunately Gregg doesn’t provide any education, but last that I checked, he does hang out at the investors underground chat room, where you could ask him questions and sneak in on his trading strategy
    -IU Chat Room: Investors UnderGround

  5. 20K$ Profit Made in a Live Trade

    This is a part of Tim Grittani’s DVD, which features all his strategies and a number of  live examples.
    Tim Grittani‘s DVD: Tim Grittani DVD

  6. The Best Trading Lessons for Beginners to Start out With

    8 videos stacked with useful information on the most important aspects of becoming a successful trader. The videos map out a road towards trading education that can make you a profitable trader.

    The author of the videos is the Investors Underground trading team, that offers one of the best day trading chat rooms and education programs (Paul: based on my experience).

  7. Trading Lessons from a Pro Trader – Mark Croock

    -Mark’s profit chart:
    -Mark is an active member and moderator of the Tim Sykes’ chat room: Chat Room

I hope you find these videos useful. If any of them spark your interest, I’ve added resources to learn from the traders featured in the videos.

If you have a sincere interest in learning to trade on the same level as these guys and want to study their strategies, the fastest and most efficient ways to learn are:

  • Becoming a member of the Timothy Sykes’ Silver chat room It has over 4000 videos of education + real time trade alerts and 15+ professional traders in it [For newer traders]
  • Becoming a member of the Investors Underground chat room. Also has video lessons, trade alerts and pro traders in the chat room, but is more expensive and more difficult to learn. [For traders with at least 5000$ of starting capital and some previous experience]
  • Join a proprietary trading firm. This is a full time job, but if you are seriously interested, they might accept you, train you and provide you with trading capital. They are hard to find and hard to get into, but can turn you into a professional trader.
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Day Trading Videos
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Foxy Trades
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Hi I'm Paul Koger, an ex-Prop Trader now trading from the comfort of my own home. My area of expertise is swing trading US equities, Although I have a strong interest in anything that is trading related. In case you want to get in touch - try Twitter @paulkogr or


    • Hi Emie,

      What subscription service do you have in mind? I personally do not sell any services.
      All I do is recommend some that I personally find valuable services.

  1. Hi Paul,

    I have zero knowledge in trading business. What do you recommend for a beginner like me and do not wish to take risk.

    • Hi Prem,

      Trading inherently involves risk. However, professional traders minimise risk. I would recommend you to learn as much as you can (read through this book: and start practicing with a demo account. Once you are able to become profitable with a demo account, only then put real money on the line.

      Hope it helps.


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